This broccoli salad recipe is from my mother-in-law Martie and is always a crowd pleaser at family events and church picnics. The combination of bacon,...
Fresh roasted beets over a bed of baby spinach with tomatoes, avocados, onions and feta cheese drizzled with a balsamic dressing. You can cut this recipe...
A light and tangy combination of watermelon, tomato and mint creating a delicious combination of sweet, sour and salty flavors. While the melon should...
Cucumber sunomono is a tasty Japanese cucumber salad made with just a few easy-to-find ingredients. Serve this as a Japanese appetizer, or as a salad or...
A really different way to present pasta salad OR your favorite recipe for tuna and chicken salad! A really creative finger food that will impress your...
This has been a family favorite for years. The key to this recipe is not overcooking the carrots and allowing the entire salad to marinate for at least...
This recipe is requested at every family gathering. Let it be your next dish that they crave! I like this dish to be prepared at least two hours before...
This salad is a refreshing side to spicy Thai food. I prefer it without hot peppers or peanuts since its major purpose for me is refreshment. It's especially...
This is great salad for a potluck or BBQ. I always get lots of compliments and requests for the recipe. Ensure that dressing is thoroughly mixed before...
Wonderful pasta salad. So different from the Italian dressing pasta salads. Very hearty side dish or main dish for lunch. Crunchy veggies and rich pesto...
This easy pea salad has sweet, crunchy pieces of onions mixed with creamy bites of Cheddar cheese. Growing up, a friend of the family made us this pea...
This is a recipe my Grammy made since before I was born and has been a hit in my family just as long. It's super easy, and fresh garden veggies make it...
This broccoli salad with grapes is a perfect salad for a hot summer day. The first time I tried it was at my aunt's 30-acre ranch outside of Dallas. The...
This is a 90's potato salad - a new and improved, redone, much better potato salad. Not only does it have a sweet potato, in addition to a Russet potato,...
This was on the table at a potluck cast party/Christmas party, and I hunted down the chef and begged her for the recipe. I'm not usually a nuts-in-nondesserts...
Great salad to make when you have a ton of cucumbers coming out of the garden. We make this year round but we are real cuke lovers in this family. Let...
Need to cut a few carbs? This low-carb cauliflower salad substitutes cauliflower bites for potatoes. All the flavors you love in potato salad are here,...
I came up with this salad when I realized I had some leftover salad items that needed to be used up. It's refreshing and light! It can be easily adapted...
This delicious cold roasted asparagus recipe is great if you love asparagus, and even if you don't. The tangy dressing and the roasted taste of the asparagus...
This is a nice change from the ordinary vegetable salads to accompany a turkey or ham dinner. The dressing on this salad makes a delicious marinade for...
This is a perfect side dish for your summer barbecue or any Mediterranean or Middle Eastern dish. You can also substitute 2 large tomatoes for the cucumber...
This is a traditional German beet salad with a simple apple cider vinegar dressing and caraway seeds. You can also make it with roasted beets, but in Germany...
The ideal outdoor meal: this colorful main-course pasta salad chock-full of protein, vegetables and bold flavorings. For fresh flavor and peak texture,...